Posted: January 27, 2016 Contributor: PRJKT RUBY
Male Birth Control That You Can Turn On & Off? YES!
Ever wish that you could just flip a switch to turn on or off your ability to procreate? Life would be a whole lot simpler. Now what if it wasn’t you (as a woman) but the man in your life that would be responsible for birth control? The latest invention of Clemens Bimek would basically do all that – in fact, this inventor believes in his own product so much that he has already had it implanted into his body!
While the concept may sound a bit odd, it’s actually pretty simple. The device (which is called Bimek SLV) gives men the ability to take their sperm in or out of their ejaculatory system whenever they choose with an internal switch of sorts. For many, this is a great alternative to a vasectomy for men since it is far less permanent.
You would naturally assume that the person who developed this novel device would be in the health industry, right? Well, Bimek actually worked in construction when he decided to seek out a patent for the device. After studying more about the male body and creating a prototype, this savvy inventor (who is vegetarian) refused to settle for animal testing and simply decided to make himself the proverbial “guinea pig.” It’s hard not to admire this man’s dedication to his product!
So far, he claims the device is working but in order to get it to the masses, he must have it undergo clinical trials. He is currently looking for older men who have children already and are considering getting a vasectomy to take part in the trial.
So if the product does go mainstream, what can a man expect to pay?
Well, the inventor does admit it will be a bit pricier than a vasectomy, but the idea that it is less permanent may outweigh the cost for many . In the United States, Bimek believes that the price should be around $1000. When compared to the cost of getting and then reversing a vasectomy however, the costs do add up making the Bimeck SLV a money savvy choice in the long run. This option eliminates that second procedure should a man change his mind.
The one caveat is that men would need to wait three to six months for sperm to fully be removed from the seminal vesicles to avoid a potential pregnancy after having the device inserted. It takes a minimum of 12 weeks for sperm cells left in the spermatic duct to die or roughly 20 to 30 episodes of ejaculation to flush them out.
Once a man decides he does want sperm to reenter the ejaculatory system, it’s believed fertility comes back sometime within a few minutes or hours.
While it’s not available yet, the device is potentially a great option for men to take control of their birth control needs and hey, if it takes the pressure off us ladies…we might just be all for it!