Posted: March 8, 2018 Contributor: administrator
International Women’s Day: Join The Movement
In 1975, the United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th. Since then, it has grown to encompass not only the accomplishments of strong, brave, and independent women around the world, but also an acknowledgement of the continued road ahead. Whether it’s the fight for women’s healthcare and reproductive services, the legality of abortion, the gender pay gap, or standing up against sexual harassment, International Women’s Day brings these issue to light on a global scale. Though you may not be a fierce political leader, founder of a women’s rights organization, or bold activist traveling the country, there are still many ways for you to support the journey ahead.
Find out how you can participate in International Women’s Day
For starters, check out the official IWD site to find out about events happening near you on March 8th—participation and making your voice heard is key. Can’t make it on March 8th? You can still empower the women in your life on a day-to-day basis. Big changes, including political and social, start and are made at the local level. Support your local girl gang, women CEOs and female-led local businesses. Take part in local Women’s Marches or rallies, and attend speeches or conventions throughout the year that support strong women doing good locally and around the world.
2017 was arguably one of the most notable years for the Women’s Rights movement, including campaigns such as #MeToo and #TimesUp taking center stage globally addressing sexual assault and gender inequality. Our momentum is strong and can only get stronger.
This year’s theme of #PressforProgress
According to The Telegraph, the theme for this year’s celebration is #PressforProgress, “a nod to the growing global movement of advocacy, activism and support surrounding gender parity and sexism”. Though an immense amount of progress has been made, there is still a lot left to achieve. In fact, Telegraph quoted the World Economic Forum which suggested that “it could still take another 100 years before the global equality gap between men and women disappears entirely.” Clearly, the fight is far from over. At PRJKT RUBY, we hope to inspire women to be confident, believe in themselves, and empower each other. Though our fight focuses on universal access to birth control and family planning services, we take a stance with the movement, and we hope you do too. To our customers, supporters, and ladies all around the world: Happy International Women’s Day. Today is yours.