Posted: June 13, 2018 Contributor: administrator
The Effects of Your PRJKT RUBY Purchase
Your PRJKT RUBY purchase stretches farther than you may think. In fact, it changes the lives of women around the globe with our TakeCare, GiveCare initiative. Every time complete your order, you’re also helping one of the 214 million women in developing countries receive access to birth control and other family planning methods – and in turn, reshaping lives globally. According to a Stanford University study shared in The Economist, who have access to contraceptives are more likely to:
– Become more educated: the study shows that those who have access to birth control stay in school for 6 months to a year longer than women who lack access. While there are still ways to go when it comes to educating women in developing countries, birth control has held the largest effect of any outside factor, with zero changes to actual school policies.
– Earn an income: Unlike the places that lack access to contraception, the chance of a woman to earn monetary income notably increased when they had access to birth control. Women with access to birth control are more likely to obtain paid jobs and careers, with an increased possibility they will assist the family in financial matters and decision making.
– Have a say: the study recognizes a trend when it comes to locations with access to BC—the wife’s aging parents are taken in by the couple, but the husband’s aren’t. The study associates the power women receive when they have access to family planning to their likeliness to have a say in family matters down the line.
So far, PRJKT RUBY purchases have led over 1,000 women in developing countries to live more fulfilling lives. Want to join in on the movement and start changing lives across the globe? Learn more about TakeCare, GiveCare, read testimonials. and place your order today.